“Leave No Trace: Digital Erasure and the Composition Classroom.” Western States Rhetoric and Literacy Conference, 21 Oct. Use the descriptor that appropriately expresses the type of presentation (e.g., Lecture, Reading, Conference Presentation, etc.). Follow with the title of the particular conference or meeting, the name of the organization, and the venue and its city (if the name of the city is not listed in the venue’s name). To cite a speech, lecture, or other oral presentation, cite the speaker’s name and the title of the speech (if any) in quotation marks. Speeches, lectures, or other oral presentations “Writing with Concepts: Communal, Internalized, and Externalized.” Mind, Culture, and Activity, vol. “Understanding the Lifelong Journey of Writing Development.” Infancia y Aprendizaje, vol. We will be better equipped to design valuable education plans at each level if we understand that becoming an effective writer is a long-term, multidimensional process of development (Bazerman, “Understanding”). These entries should be alphabetized by title. For all following entries, replace the author’s name with three hyphens. In the Works Cited, only give the author’s name in the first entry. To distinguish a source from others by the same author, include a shortened title for the work you are quoting. “What is Food Literacy?” Food Literacy Center, 2015. In-text:įood literacy can help mitigate childhood obesity because “being food literate empowers us to make informed choices” (Food Literacy Center). Then list the corporate author only as the publisher. For Works Cited entries, when the author and publisher are the same, skip the author, and list the title first. When a source has a group or corporation as an author, cite that group name the same as you would an individual author. The following examples are single-spaced for the purposes of this resource only.

Note : All MLA documents, Works Cited pages included, should be double-spaced. The following examples should help with some of the more common, but still tricky, citations you may be faced with. There are however, a few sources and situations that might require a slight change to the format.

Even sources you might think are unusual, like a pamphlet, a magazine advertisement, or a message posted to a discussion forum, all can be cited using the same format outlined in our resource on MLA citation basics. Most sources you come across for will follow the basic structure for an MLA citation.